Karla Drašković


T: +385 95 374 9999

M: karladraskovic12@gmail.com

Karla Drašković was born on 22.2.2000. in Zagreb. After graduating from Classical Gymnasium in Zagreb, she starts her undergraduate studies of Cultural studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka. On her third year she moves to the Netherlands where she completes a semester at the University of Groningen at the Department of Art and Culture. She did her apprenticeships at associations Deltalab and Diston. After volunteering at various film festivals (Zagreb Film Festival, Pula Film Festival, Stiiff, Zagreb Dox …), in 2020. she launches her own student project “Nezreli film” with the purpose of raising awareness of student-made films. She managed social networks and wrote short reviews of films for Croatian.film, and in 2022. she was the manager of the Dokukino KIC cinema and the coordinator of food for guests and staff at the 20. Zagreb Film Festival. She speaks English and lives in Zagreb.